Tools & Creations

Go, Let’s PLay !
my book to learn to play go (French)

Multilingual booklet
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Coloring pages
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Baduk Passport
Monitoring the player in his progress
Go, Let’s PLay !
We realized that there were very few books for children willing to learn go in Western countries, not to say none… Usually the books about go game are manuals giving advices to adults willing to teach go children.
None of them was actually adressing directly to the children. Even in the Chess literary world, it’s very hard to find ! We teaching go for many years and sometimes initiating children or families in schools, clubs or cultural events we and we wanted to be able to advice some literature to the children and families who wanted to learn at home.
We created this book so that any child who is able to read can learn and practice on its own. We kept the writing and the structure simple and easy. Thereare many drawings and comics to help the understanding and make it more playful. The book includes a 9×9 board at the end and cardboard stones.
On the back caver, we highlight all the benefits that go can bring to children in a pedagogicalway, in order to make of this book a a great ambassador in schools. « Go has many cognitive virtues: it helps for concentration, memory, quick decision making ; it facilitates abstract reasoning and mathematical calculation , all while having fun ; it teaches the respect of the opponent with codified rules of politeness ».
64 pages & 207 exercises
- It contains a 9×9 goban and 2 sets of board stones
- All the chapters are structured in 3 points, each with a double page (1 page of theory, 1 page of exercises)
- To make it more entertaining for children, we named the exercices« missions». Eachtime a mission is a lead successfully, the child levels up and gets a small diplomastarting at 29 kyu and going to 25 kyu !
- We developed in the book a pedagogical method that have proved itself efficient on the field during years of teaching. We begin with capture and « atari-go », so that the children can already start to play. Then we spend some time on capturing techniques. Theory is combined with practice and fun .. The two eyes corne as the transition to the territory rule : the smallest territory is two eyes! Often territory is hard to explain to beginners, because it’s quiet abstract, so we made sure to decompose well this themeand bring it in a very deductive way.
Fully illustrated
The book contains 48 illustrations and 5 whole page comics.
Thereare 4 characters : a squirre!, a turtle, a fox and an owl. Each of them is associated to a theme : the squirre! gathers nuts like go stones (capture), the turtle is strong in defense (the two eyes), the fox watches its territory and the owl is the master of the wood.
They also interact in comics pages to explain the rules or a part of the go culture, such as the ranking system or the rules of politeness.
The animais accompany the reader during all the book.
Available in all
bookstores in French
Multilingual Booklet
This flyer is made to accompany your initiations with children (and adults!)
It contains a reminder of the rules of capture, some cultural elements about go as well as a goban to cut!
This flyer having a great success in Grenoble, so I decided to offer it to you all, freely!
Thanks to some of you who have been amazing, it is available in many languages.
You can also propose a translation 😀
Printing and Credits
The flyer can be adapted to include your club’s information (on the back, “play in real life”).
Printing Tips:
-> 250g paper (lightly cardboard), A4 double-sided color.
-> for the club insert if you don’t know how to manipulate the image on a computer, you can simply print small stickers with your information to stick in the box!
-> Fold it to make a booklet 🙂
By downloading this flyer, you agree to:
- initiate as many people as possible with it!
- do not remove translators’ signatures or credits
- do not modify the flyer outside the box for your club information (this includes not using the illustrations outside of the flyer)
- do not sell the flyer or the illustrations.
languages available