Outstanding Go Education Award !

Outstanding Go Education Award !

We won a prize! 😀

Yesterday the 1st ISGS International Conference on Go Studies was held, where the finalists for the 1st Go Promotion Awards were announced. I presented it to you in a previous article, I proposed 2 projects for these prizes, the one concerning the illustrated introductory book written with Lucas Neyrinck, as well as our Student Passport system set up in the ‘go school (of which I am director this year +_+’) in Grenoble.

Among many projects, we are honored, Loic, me and the Grenoble school, to be the winners of the “Outstanding Go Education Award”! You have all discovered this Baduk passport in part: the animal level badges are part of how it works and I sell them on my store. Given the regular out of stock I know you like them a lot. I hope to soon be able to offer a complete package for teachers who would like to use it in go classes 🙂

In short, thank you to the jury who honored us with this prize, a great recognition ! Congratulations also to Artem for the prize obtained with the European Go Journal, I am still fascinated by the work he does to keep up the pace of a monthly publication 🙂

Congrats also to Theo, Colin and Doc Quentin for their presentations and thank you for the photos <3

IGLO & Stoned on the Goban

IGLO & Stoned on the Goban

When a community of dynamic and creative players knock on the door of Stoned on the Goban, it results in a brand new t-shirt ! 🙌

A warrior under the snow, for a fight on the goban…

💡 So how does it work ?
The members of IGLO have come up with a t-shirt design with me that looks like them but will also probably appeal to any go player.

The result is this t-shirt screen-printed on a petrol blue fabric, handmade in my workshop as for all the other textiles in the shop 💪

It is available to IGLO players at a special price as well as with an additional screen-printed shoulder, but for everyone else, this t-shirt is also available !

Do you also want this kind of partnership project? Don’t hesitate to come and discuss it by message 🙂

IGLO -> iglo.szalenisamuraje.org

Play Go For Ukraine

Play Go For Ukraine

Dear Go players,
Twelve Europe-based Go teachers + four players gathered their ideas and made this event for Ukrainian Go families.
We offer about 70 of 1:3 simultaneous games and will ask participants for a small donation(20€ per game).
Of course, we will use all the funds to help Ukrainian Go families.

Please find more details on the website https://goteachers.org/

We, Go teachers, would love to play with you and make the Go world better through this event.

Inseong Hwang, Artem Kachanovskyi, Andrii Kravets, Motoki Noguchi, Lukáš Podpěra, Lucas Neirynck, Lukas Kraemer, Chi-min Oh, Young-sam Kim, Tanguy Le Calve, Benjamin Dréan-Guénaïzia, Cornel Burzo Camí Levek, Lorenz Trippel, Harry van der Krogt, Semi Lee.

European Go Federation – Posters

European Go Federation – Posters

I am very happy this year to had the opportunity to design posters for the European Go Federation.
We didn’t worked together yet, and this allowed me to work on more neutral and flexible compositions so that’s could used over several tournaments and reflect the diversity of go players in Europe.

I hope you like them!

Paris International Go Tournament 2022

Paris International Go Tournament 2022

Here is a poster that I made for the Paris International Go Tournament 2022 !

Tournoi de Paris 2022

Dear all!! You can now register for the 49th edition of the Paris International Go Tournament! 😃
It will be held on real go boards at Easter time, April 16 to 18 at the ENS Paris. The tournament is also part of the European Go Federation Grand prix as a Bonus B, so we expect a very high level of participation.
After a blank year and an online year, we are looking forward to see you!

👉 Registration and information : https://tournoi-de-paris.jeudego.org/