Outstanding Go Education Award !

Outstanding Go Education Award !

We won a prize! 😀

Yesterday the 1st ISGS International Conference on Go Studies was held, where the finalists for the 1st Go Promotion Awards were announced. I presented it to you in a previous article, I proposed 2 projects for these prizes, the one concerning the illustrated introductory book written with Lucas Neyrinck, as well as our Student Passport system set up in the ‘go school (of which I am director this year +_+’) in Grenoble.

Among many projects, we are honored, Loic, me and the Grenoble school, to be the winners of the “Outstanding Go Education Award”! You have all discovered this Baduk passport in part: the animal level badges are part of how it works and I sell them on my store. Given the regular out of stock I know you like them a lot. I hope to soon be able to offer a complete package for teachers who would like to use it in go classes 🙂

In short, thank you to the jury who honored us with this prize, a great recognition ! Congratulations also to Artem for the prize obtained with the European Go Journal, I am still fascinated by the work he does to keep up the pace of a monthly publication 🙂

Congrats also to Theo, Colin and Doc Quentin for their presentations and thank you for the photos <3

Inktober 2022 – Go & Animals

Inktober 2022 – Go & Animals

I already did an inktober (challenge between artists: draw once a day) on the theme of go in 2019 and 2020, and I took the time this year to try the experience again hoping to hold the 31 days 🙂

I asked you which animals you would have liked to see play go, and you were creative in filling this list.

The illustrations are available on the shop in 2023 Calendar or prints !

Le Go Cosmique

Le Go Cosmique

I did my first book cover, for the great “Le Go Cosmique” by Takemiya Masaki, a reprint by Board N’Stones! (Thank You Gunnar for your work!)

I hope that the rediscovery (in French for the moment) of this great classic will please you! ❤️

Le « Le Go Cosmique », de Takemiya Masaki, est sans aucun doute le meilleur livre de go que j’ai lu jusqu’à ce jour. Je l’ai déjà dévoré à d’incalculables reprises, et plus je le relis, plus je ressens la nécessité de le rendre accessible en d’autres langues que le japonais. En effet, ce livre suscite en moi une émotion telle que je voulais absolument la faire partager au plus grand nombre possible de joueurs de go. Je suis certain que ce livre vous permettra de découvrir une nouvelle approche du jeu de go, un autre univers, peut-être plus poétique et plus philosophique.
Miyakawa Wataru

Takemiya Masaki

The World of Weiqi

The World of Weiqi

So there was something unexpected, but so important for an artist who draws about go in Europe, while the players are mainly in Asia …

A publication in the Go Chinese magazine !

How lucky for me to participated, in 2019 and then in 2021, in this team competition in China, to have been able to tell about this tournament for the West, which knows very little about the emulation and glitter of these international tournaments !

And the little extra, thanks also to Guo Qiandu (Amy) for her translation, the attentive team of Little Fox Weiqi and the City Weiqi League, as well as Shutai Zhang, the comic is published entirely in the October publication of “The World of Weiqi “, an important magazine dedicated to weiqi in China.

Thank you for your small gestures, which all help me to make travel and recognize my works !

This comic is available in French, English and Chinese here